The 25-26 late application period will be available Tuesday, January 7, 2025, through October 2025.

By submitting this application, your student will be entered into the lottery to attend a School of Choice for the 2025-2026 school year. Students are selected for these schools either by lottery or audition.

Completing the form below is the first step necessary to access enrollment for your student to attend a School of Choice.

  • Please only submit one application for each School of Choice for which you would like your student to be entered into the 2025-2026 lottery.

  • If you are applying to attend IFAA, only one application should be submitted. You may choose a 1st and 2nd area of interest on the application below.

For additional information on the School of Choice process, reference Policy 0501.90: Student Enrollment and Enrollment Options and its Administrative Regulations, click this link: Policy Manual: 0501.90 Students Or for a summary, click this link: Schools of Choice.

To determine your boundary school, click this link: School Boundary Maps

Student Information
Legal Name from Birth Certificate
**Legal Name: **First: Middle: **Last:
**Date of Birth: MM/DD/YYYY
Preferred First Name:
**Previous School:
Enter NONE in all three boxes
if Kindergarten student
School Name:
**Grade Level: Grade Level For 2025-2026
**Anticipated Start Date:
Current Special Programs IEP 504 ML/ELL Speech Therapy Gifted and Talented
**Current Grade Level 2024-2025
**New to WestAda School District Choose NO if at any time, you submitted a preregistration form for your student to attend any WASD school, even if they did not attend.
**Resident of WASD
**WASD Boundary School Boundary Maps can be found by clicking here: School Boundary Maps
West Ada PowerSchool Student Number (Optional but helpful) This 10 digit number should starts with 200 or 201...
State of Idaho Student Number (Optional) This is a 9 digit number
Sibling Continuing at this SOC
Name of Sibling Currently Enrolled and Continuing at this SOC
Grade of Sibling Currently Enrolled and Continuing at this SOC
Child of WASD Employee: Employee's Name, Position & Site (ie: Jane Doe, teacher, CHS)
Only select if you chose RHS (25-26 11th Grade ONLY)
Only select if you chose Idaho Fine Arts
Only Select if you chose Idaho Fine Arts and would like to audition in 2 areas
Parent/Guardian Information
**First Name: **Last Name:
**Relationship to Student:
Other Students in Family: Check this box if other siblings in your family are active students at our schools
**Desired User Name: Desired User Name for PowerSchool Login
**Phone: 999-999-9999      Alternate Phone: 999-999-9999
**Zip Code:
**Verification: I verify that the above information is correct
** Required Information